
Wayne Smith
Partner and President
Wayne delights in guiding people to recognize and cultivate their natural talents and capabilities for success. Based on his 35 years of executive experience in the retail and financial sectors, he has a talent for superior performance coaching, training, and leadership development. A seasoned facilitator, speaker, and certified trainer, he has delivered workshops across North America, guiding executives and their leader teams.
Wayne Smith is Partner and President of Reach Capabilities Inc., a Toronto-based consulting company that helps individuals and organizations build their capabilities, enhance growth, and maximize results. Wayne‘s reputation for delivering superior performance coaching, leadership development, training, and facilitation has been honed over 30 years in financial services and retail management. Experienced in a number of assessment tools, he is a certified consultant in DISC and Kolbe. As a district vice-president with TD Bank Financial Group for many years, Wayne was responsible for sales and service delivery in several specialized markets. He led a three-year ‘test and learn’ laboratory, drawing on his experience in change management to discover new and exciting ways to improve customer experience, employee engagement and profitable growth. Wayne was a key member of the bank’s brand re-design team. Wayne also held a variety of leadership positions with Sears Canada Inc., including the role of general manager of retail operations in Ontario, where he led the largest of seven regional teams through extensive growth and change.
Ross Slater
Partner and Vice-President
Ross loves communicating and responding with energy to achieve an improved result. He is an accomplished facilitator, speaker, coach, and certified trainer. Ross has worked in the management consulting and coaching industry for over 30 years. Known for his contagious energy and his strong interest in personal and professional development, he has delivered presentations worldwide.
Hiring – Program Coordinator
Events & Office Administrator
YOU ARE confident and capable with great organizational, time management, communication, and computer skills. You can easily coordinate multiple virtual and in-person events for different clients, assemble materials, and keep busy consultants focused—all while keeping a smile on your face.